Section 5 reviews the variety of methods for assessing and measuring 6PPD and 6PPD-q among variable environmental matrices and landscapes. This section also includes discussion on using desktop mapping (GIS) and modeling tools to help focus reconnaissance efforts. Finally, this chapter provides an overview of modeling tools to help visualize potential 6PPD-q hot spots near potentially vulnerable ecosystems.
The following tables compile information recommendations on where and how to measure 6PPD and 6PP-q based on the studies and related research work that this ITRC team was aware of as of March 2024.
PDF versions of each table are provided for the reader to view information in a visual format that is consistent across browsers and platforms. Executable files are provided to allow readers to sort information by the column of their choice, but may appear different visually depending on the software used to view this file. Instructions on how to sort information in a document formatted for a word processor format are widely available by internet search.