Team Contacts
Click here to contact the Tire Anti-Degradants (6PPD) Team Leaders, Program Advisor, and ITRC Staff.
Team Leaders
Kelly Grant
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Tanya Williams
Washington State Department of Ecology
Program Advisor
Steve Brauner
Environmental Works, Inc.
Subgroup Leaders
The following individuals served as subgroup leaders during the development and revision of the sections listed above their names.
José Zambrana
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Christine Nancarrow
Pacific Stormwater
Effects Characterization and Toxicity
Michael Garland
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Dana McCue
EHS Support
Occurrence Fate and Transport;
Measuring Mapping, and Modeling
Rhea Smith
Washington State Department of Ecology
Rachael Lane
U.S. Geological Survey
Mitigation Measures and Solutions;
Policies, Regulations, and Laws
Madison Rose Bristol
Washington State Department of Ecology
Sigrida Reinis
Langan Engineering and Environmental Services Inc
Outreach Materials
Ryann Reents
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Rachael Lane
U.S. Geological Survey
ITRC Staff Support
Marguerite Bennett
Environmental Council of the States (ITRC)
Evan Madden and Derick Winn
(Former Program Advisors)
Environmental Council of the States (ITRC)